Vision Board – Powerful Tool To Achieve Goals

how to create and use vision board to achieve goals

Most people these days have heard a lot about vision boards. However, only a small percentage of them really make and use them. Lots of people tend to procrastinate making their own vision board. Or if they make it, they hardly ever look at it and use it. They haven't realized how powerful a tool vision board is to achieve their goals and manifest their dreams.

Why don't most people make vision boards?

Super simple – Because they don't really believe it works!

When we really believe in something and want to do it, no laziness can stop us!

I was the same. For about five years, I knew people around me who did it, but I never put in the effort to really start doing it.

Until I started to notice how some people seem to reach their goals faster and more efficiently.

While I seemed to be stuck. With goals and dreams, but not much action towards them.

You see, a vision board is not a magic tool to achieve your goals – you still need to take action. But if you never really take time to figure out your goals, write them down, and make for yourself visual reminders about your goals – it is then tough to achieve them.

My first vision board

I made my first real vision board at the beginning of 2018. (Not counting a few small ones before that I made as an exercise for a workshop. They were made more as an obligation rather than with full heart and full effort.)

I put there my short and long-term goals. Of course, that also included some countries I really wanted to travel to.

One of those was Israel. I found some pictures of Israel's most famous places – some beautiful images. And I put them on the vision board among all the other images.

A mistake I made was I did not really look at my vision board too often.

Therefore, I forgot what kind of pictures I had put in there. I just knew Israel was on my goal list.

During the summer, I worked abroad, and my vision board was not with me. After the summer, my friends and I decided to travel to Israel as it was appropriate timing.

We had a great time, visited many places, shoot a lot of pictures.

After returning, I was sorting through my stuff and found my vision board.

I saw that on my vision board and in my photo album of the trip were the exact same pictures. The only difference was that these pictures were without me on the vision board, but the trip's photo album pictures were the exact same ones with me in them.

I was now sold that it works! Since then, I have made a couple of vision board because I try to update them often, as new things are coming true.

In the picture below, you can see my most recent vision board. (Since I made it, some of the things have manifested already.)

One of my vision boards

One of my vision boards

Why and how the vision board works?

Law of Attraction at first seemed like a pseudoscience for me. Until I learned more about how our minds and thoughts that we think work.

After understanding through many different life experiences that "we become what we think about," I also understood why a vision board works.

1. When you write down your goals, you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals. Having both visual content and writing them down works even better. If you never write down your goals, it is easy to rationalize them away. Whenever things get tough, it is easy to forget these goals and come up with new ones.

2. It reminds you about your goals, and you invest time to think about them – the more you have invested into something, the harder it is to let it go.

3. When you look at the vision board often, you imagine how it feels to have that, to be that, to do that, to be that type of person. You feel energy, excitement, joy, positive expectation. When you feel such positive emotions, you are much more likely to make the right positive action steps to reach your goal instead of living in doubt or disbelief.

4. When you imagine yourself having that dream job or dream relationship, in your mind, you see yourself as the type of person who can have that. Even if right now, you don't yet have the right characteristics to do that. But it reminds you of what you need to improve in yourself to have that.

5. When you use it every day for 10 min for visualization exercise, you remind yourself of your goals. That helps you keep your daily actions align with your goals. Visualization is a wonderful exercise. A lot of athletes use this exercise too to prepare themselves for top performances.

6. Each time you imagine something and feel a positive emotion, it writes information in your subconscious mind. 95 % of our daily actions come from the subconscious. Our habits, beliefs, ways we react all come from the subconscious mind. Suppose you can make sure that the subconscious's information is positive and in alignment with your goals. In that case, it is only a matter of time when you will manifest your goals and dreams.

What to put on your vision board?

Try to be as definite as possible with your pictures. So definite that when you are looking at that picture, you can right away see yourself being there, doing that, having it.

On the other hand – don't just put random stuff in your vision board just because it looks nice. See if the goal that this picture represents is meaningful to you.

Here's what you can put in your vision board according to your goals:

• Long-term goals you want to manifest (for example, you want to be a fitness trainer or public speaker, or run your own business – put exact pictures that represent that),

• Your short-term 1-year goals (job change, travel, finances, car…),

• Places you want to visit,

• How much you want to earn during the year, 6-month-period, etc.,

• Your future dream house, dream location to live,

• Material possessions you want to have – a new laptop, car…,

• Relationships you want to have – "the right one," marriage, family.

How to make it?

It is simple – find online or cut out from magazines pictures that represent your goals. Buy an A3 or a bigger format carton paper. Glue pictures forming a collage.

Things to remember

Don't just make a vision board and leave it in the corner unnoticed for months. Use it!

Use your vision board and review your goals as often as you can. The best practice – daily!

Each time when you look at your vision board, close your eyes… And feel the positive emotion when you imagine yourself being, doing, having that.

And then - expect the miracles you have deserved!



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