One Huge Reason Why People Struggle With Motivation

how to overcome lack of motivation, how to find your why

Originally published in Medium publication 2 Minute Madness

Working with young people in personal development, sales, and leadership program for more than 10 years, I have noticed one common reason why it is hard for many people to stay motivated on something.

This is not the lack of discipline or the habit of procrastination, although many people struggle with that.

The problem is more profound; however, it is easier to solve.

You can find your inner drive and motivation by simply changing this one thing — find or clarify your “why.”

External Motivation vs. Internal Motivation

The external motivation we receive from outside — other people, prizes, motivational videos, recognition, money, etc. only lasts a minute. It's not permanent.

Internal motivation, however, does not dry out.

So how can you make sure you have enough internal motivation?

You need to have a clear, meaningful reason “why” you do what you do.

Your meaningful “why” is not what others say or the expectations set by the environment in which you grew up.

Your meaningful “why” is connected to what you genuinely want to do in life and what brings you a sense of fulfillment.

How to Find Your “Why”?

Ask yourself,

“How does this task/project/job fit in my bigger vision?”

Let’s say you are working a job you don’t like and want to do something else in the future.

Does this job help you get the skills, knowledge, experience, or money you need to start what you’ll love to do?

If you are building your freelance career or business, how is it connected with your purpose in life — the lifestyle you want to live and the impact you want to make?

If the answers are affirming to these questions, congratulations, you have found your motivation!

But if you don’t know clear answers to these questions, you better quit what you’re doing and find something more meaningful.

It all comes down to this one essential thing that many have heard of, but only some really use — create a meaningful life vision. You don’t need to create a vision for the next 30–40 years (although you can). Start with the next 3–5 years.

How do I see myself after 3–5 years?

What do I want to have accomplished then?

Then do reverse engineering on what steps you need to take to get there.

Do I see what I am doing right now as an essential step towards that vision?

Don’t forget to also ask yourself,

“In what ways does that help me proceed towards my bigger vision?”

Remind these answers to yourself often to keep your motivation fueled.


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