Welcome to Laine’s Blog
How to Re-Frame Your Experience to Create a Different Outcome
The key to rewire your brain and change your experiences is to not only think yourself into a new experience but also to feel yourself into it.
5 Simple Steps to Overcome the Feeling of Being Stuck in Life
What to do if you feel stuck in life? Feeling stuck is nothing bad, in fact, it is a healthy sign that you are ready for some changes in your life.
What Is the Most Important Morning Habit for Success?
What is the most important morning habit for success and what are some subtle scientific reasons why to make this a habit a non-negotiable of your morning routine?
How To Be More Consistent And Productive Without Hustling Harder
Hustle smarter instead of harder. Although it is important always to work hard, are you really making the best out of your hard work? Are you being consistent with your priorities and vision?
3 Productivity Techniques to Overcome Perfectionism
Simple techniques to avoid burnout, prioritize tasks, and accomplish more of the important things.
7 Steps How To Improve Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is not our natural way of being. In fact, it is the distorted view of ourselves. It is a bias against ourselves.
Low self-esteem comes from believing lies about ourselves and building up a whole life and reality out of those lies.
3 Steps To Go From Perfectionism and People-Pleasing to Unconditional Self-Worth
Perfectionism and people-pleasing — tendencies that give us a false feeling of benefit.
The Highly Underrated Role of Commitment in the Process of Achieving Our Goals
We need to be committed, disciplined, and ready to make sacrifices to get what we truly want.
3 Psychological Benefits of Exercise
Ever experienced brain fog? Having regular exercise might help. Regular exercising also helps with reducing stress and improves confidence and self-esteem overall.
Why Failure Is Not Such A Bad Thing?
The way we see failure as something bad and to be avoided, are mere cultural constructs which don’t serve us. Instead mistakes and failure are a necessary process of growth, and can become blessings if we choose the right perspective.
Self-Forgiveness For Most People Is Harder Than To Forgive Others
Many people are often trying to solve relationship, professional, and personal issues solely by focusing on external factors. Yet, when we learn to love and forgive ourselves, it will shift our perspectives and mindsets, enabling us to make far more significant changes.
A Transformative Guide to Changing the Single Most Limiting Self-Belief
As acknowledged by the #1 Britain's therapist Marissa Peer, many problems come down to one limiting belief: “I am not enough.”
The way we see ourselves determines a lot — the quality of choices we will make, the quality of relationships we will have, our financial well-being, and whether we will chase after our dreams or stay in the “I don’t know if I can” zone.
How Mastery of Unconditional Confidence Can Lead You to a Happier Life
Many people struggle with conditional confidence because they place their confidence upon things they can’t control. When these things change, they lose their confidence and feel sad and frustrated. Developing unconditional confidence is what leads to long-term success and lasting happiness.
Why You Can’t Afford Not To Have A Life Vision?
Several vision-less years taught me to decide on my life’s vision before someone else decides.
7 Signs That You Have A Fear Of Success
Fear of success — it sounds paradoxical, yet, it is very true for many people.
Our brain is designed to protect us. To protect us from danger and experiences, it does not regard as "normal." Anything that throws us out of our comfort zone.
And many times, it can also mean very positive experiences, such as success — in life, business, finances, sports, relationships, etc.
3 Influential And Life-Changing Books That Will Shift Your Paradigms
Reviews and summaries of three life-changing books: one that explains neuroscience very easily to help us learn to control our thoughts, one that explains quantum physics very easily to help us change old, limiting, and stagnating worldviews, and one that introduces another dimension of intelligence among IQ and EQ - Spiritual Intelligence.
3 Amazingly Helpful Goal-Setting And Vision-Building Exercises
Our vision gives us direction and a framework of where we are going. However, goals help us to define what we need to do practically to achieve that vision.
Vision Board – Powerful Tool To Achieve Goals
Does the vision board really work? And how to make one that really works?
4 Truths About Emotions
It is important that we don't ignore how we feel. We have the ability to discern emotions and find the root cause of them. We can choose what we do with the way how we feel.
Unconditional Love and Acceptance (Of Yourself)
I believe that unconditional love and acceptance of yourself profoundly affects the way how we can love others. And not only that. Loving and accepting yourself unconditionally can be crucial for your success and growth too.
Transform Your Life
Have you been feeling that you were meant for me than “just this”?
Let me help you step over your fear, discover your gifts and calling, so you can start creating the business you love!